What’s your job title and where do you currently work?
Head of sales at C5 Alliance, co-founder of TEKEX, co-founder of Brainnwave, NED,
What will you be discussing at Jersey TechWeek?
I will be discussing how C5 clients and the industry adapted generally in lockdown; Covid-19 forced businesses to become more nimble, flexible and digital overnight. The impact of these changes will forever leave an imprint on the way we work.
What’s new and exciting in your field for 2020?
What’s not? Through Covid, businesses are either fighting for survival, in a holding pattern, in the lucky position of flourishing as a result, or bravely investing. Those investing are pushing through on M&A, infrastructure projects or transformation projects to increase their competitive position as we come out of lock down. Central to all these moves is technology.
What figure in your industry do you admire and why?
The initial idea of the internet is credited to Leonard Kleinrock after he published his first paper entitled Information Flow in Large Communication Nets on May 31, 1961, and Tim Berners-Lee. In 1989, he invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing while at CERN. Basically, these guys changed the world.
What innovation in your industry do you think has been a game-changer and why?
Obviously the internet and, more recently, blockchain and its implications for frictionless trade and implication for fintech.
How do you think the Channel Islands can become a player in the field of fintech?
The combination of being able to create legislation at pace and the quality of the people in the business sector and their networks provides the Channel Islands a competitive opportunity, provided it is correctly harnessed and focused.