What if I told you I knew the secrets to successful content marketing that generate genuine sales leads?
I’ve got four top tips I want to share with you, but before we dive into these, let’s set the scene…
If you work in a large organisation, you’ll likely have dedicated sales and marketing teams, each working independently and not always in harmony with the other.
There’s the view that the marketing department is responsible for generating leads through its content. The sales team is responsible for converting those leads into real-time customers and revenue for the business.

Consider your content carefully
Anyone will tell you that sales-based content often falls flat and rarely gets the business its desired engagement.
Why? Because if a salesperson writes it, we’re usually sceptical of it. We’ve all had experiences where we’ve been missold something or bought something from some sh+t hot salesperson and then, when we get home, questioned why we agreed to buy it.
In a nutshell, we don’t trust salespeople.

If you share content that answers the questions that your competitors are fearful of sharing because they don’t want to give the game away, you’ll be winning. I would encourage you to throw away that concept and instead be encouraged to share accurate, value-added content that can help your readers (just like I do in these articles in the Marketing Masterclass series).
Sharing some goodies about your profession will generate trust and loyalty in your brand, making sales easy.

This content can take several forms but is valuable in generating future and potential leads:
- Case Studies
- Product Demonstrations
- Explainer videos
Deep dive into the content strategy
You’ve got some great ideas for content, but before you go ahead and publish it on your website and social media willy-nilly, stop and think if the content covers the WHY.
The WHY could be Why potential customers have yet to buy from you. Could your product or service be hard to comprehend (maybe your website content could explain it better)? Perhaps you’ve recently increased your prices but have not explained why. For example, have you faced price increases for raw materials? Or maybe your service is deemed more expensive than your competitors? Now is the time to explain why your service is premium and demands a higher price. Doing so can boost sales because it gives your audience an understanding of the extra value they’re getting.
Your content should solve problems
One of the easiest ways to generate new content is to consider your customers’ challenges and write about how your product or service can help overcome these.
By sharing how your product or service solves problems, you can quickly help your customers to navigate if your brand is the right one for them. You’ll save your sales team a lot of time chasing up potential leads that will never come to fruition. If the reader realises you offer the best solution for them, they are more likely to close the deal with you more quickly than you might expect. Because you have been so open and transparent, they are far more likely to willingly want to invest in you.

Let’s talk about loyalty
If you follow the above steps in your content creation strategy, you are far more likely to generate loyalty.
People genuinely appreciate honesty, and they also love it if you share golden nuggets of info for free (just like I do with my articles in the Marketing Masterclass series).

So as you continue to carve out your content for future publication, consider the above tips and ensure you are generating content that will generate more sales leads and create a community of happy, engaged and loyal customers.