We’re all looking at life through distortions…
- I’m awful at exercise
- I have low motivation
- My anxiety won’t allow it
- I don’t have the time
Cognitive distortions are patterns of thought that cause us to view reality inaccurately. Looking at life through distortions generally leads us towards negative perceptions of normal life events.
We all have distorted thinking from time to time, I know I do. The problem, however, arises when we reinforce that thinking over and over again, such as…
- I’m stressed
- I’m anxious
- I’m lazy
- I’m stocky
I talk about this with my clients and say we need to “tear up that internal script”.
A lot of people have a history of explaining in detail why they don’t look how they should, without realising it’s actually because they don’t think how they should. They’ve developed these distortions as a way to cope with adverse life events. Like not liking how they look or feel.
For example, the longer you have been unhappy about how you look the more the distorted thinking about why that is has become ingrained. Consistent repetition leads to them becoming habitual.
Try this:
Write down the story you tell people as to why you aren’t in the shape you wish you were. Then… dissect it honestly.
You will find more evidence of distorted thinking and limiting beliefs than you would care to let anybody know, trust me. But that exercise will help liberate you from those distortions and you will be able to see the handbrake you have been putting on your progress.
Michael Canas is a highly sought after online coach. He specialises in coaching business leaders, entrepreneurs and busy professionals through complete physical transformations.
Utilising a background in psychology as well as fitness coaching, Michael helps business leaders take charge of their bodies so they can look, feel and perform better both inside the boardroom and outside it.
This article is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.