Feeling a bit sluggish? A bit low on motivation? A bit confused and lacking direction?
Don’t worry, I get it.
A lot of us are feeling this way, but not many understand why.
What has actually happened is when we park our usual priorities and start prioritising relaxing, junk food and maybe a bit too much alcohol then our body struggles to cope.
This is further compounded by a drop in exercise levels.
This is FURTHER compounded by a drop in temperature and daylight at this time of year, which makes activity even less appealing, and lying on the couch with snacks more appealing.
So when we are a bit down about low motivation, what is actually happening is our body is struggling to cope with lack of routine.
And getting back into that routine seems more daunting with each passing day.
This is where you need support.
You can turn the corner with proper structure, coaching and the support of a community of like-minded people on the same mission as you.
You’ll know yourself that despite your best intentions, it 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 lasts when you go it alone.
Try this simple first step.
Set up an accountability group or find an accountability buddy. Set some goals and hold each other to account to make sure you are doing what’s required, and if someone slips up then call them on it and remind them of their goals and ask that the same be done back to you.
Accountability is key, and despite our best intentions we will NEVER hold ourselves to account 100%. This is why you need someone else. A friend, a colleague or most beneficial – a coach.
Michael Canas is a highly sought after online coach. He specialises in coaching business leaders, entrepreneurs and busy professionals through complete physical transformations.
Utilising a background in psychology as well as fitness coaching, Michael helps business leaders take charge of their bodies so they can look, feel and perform better both inside the boardroom and outside it.
This article is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.