Offshore law firm and governance services provider, Mourant, has announced the winner in its annual psychology essay writing competition that aims to raise awareness of mental health issues in Jersey in partnership with the Island’s schools.
The winner, Kendra Melville, impressed the judges with her essay exploring the link between parenting styles and depression in children and adolescents. The winning prize includes a bursary towards university visits and £200 cash.
The competition and encourages students to develop a deeper understanding of the topic. Earlier this year the firm announced its agreement to sponsor the competition for three years, as part of its global focus on mental health.
Mourant Jersey Managing Partner, Daniel Birtwistle, said: “Today’s rapidly changing world presents all sorts of challenges and, as an employer, we feel it’s our responsibility to get behind initiatives that support the health and wellbeing of our people and the wider community. The quality of the essays submitted was excellent and we’d like to congratulate Kendra, Kirsten and Reine on their achievement and for helping to raise awareness of this important topic.”
The annual competition requires Jersey’s psychology students to write a 1000 word essay on a topic relating to mental health in psychology, thinking independently and critically to demonstrate an understanding of the topic. The competition is open to all final year students (year 13) in Jersey studying Psychology at A-Level or through the International Baccalaureate and will take place again in the summer of 2019.
Second place was awarded to Kirsten Ozouf for her essay, ‘Eating disorders – nature or nurture’ and third place was awarded to Reine Fresco who analysed treatments for Alzheimer’s.
Head of Psychology at Hautlieu School, Adrian Moss, said: “The competition is designed to enable students to demonstrate an extension in their knowledge of Psychology, beyond the curricula, in an area within the field of Mental Health that they are personally interested in. We have been thrilled that we have been supported by Mourant in raising awareness on mental health and well-being through the scope of this competition.
“Awareness of Mental health issues, wellbeing and resilience is becoming increasingly important in both schools and the workplace. The competition provides a mechanism for the students to gain an important personal understanding in this field which will enrich them and help them have a clearer understanding of others’ behaviour in the future.”
The competition was judged anonymously by Michelle Vaughan, Principal Educational Psychologist Head of Service for Psychology and Wellbeing, Ruth Emsley, Principal Prison Psychologist and Rachel Baxter, Senior Adviser with responsibility for teaching and learning and secondary curriculum.
The awards ceremony took place on Monday 15 October at Mourant in Jersey.