IoD leaders’ lunch: Your island, your voice, your choice
An IoD Jersey Leaders’ Lunch will take place on Thursday 25th November at the Royal Yacht, and will see former, current, and future leaders of Jersey, discussing the vision for the Island. Sponsored by HSBC, the event is an opportunity for business leaders to help inform the debate ahead of next year’s general election.
It is almost two years since the UK left the EU and after the global pandemic, which has sadly cost lives, livelihoods, and businesses, Jersey is looking to build back better. The panel will look at the future vision for the Island’s economy. Do we have the right foundations in place for it to flourish, or could we be doing more, or doing things differently to other jurisdictions?
On the panel is Frank Walker (former Chief Minister), Jennifer Carnegie (President of Chamber of Commerce/Chair of Jersey Business), Henry Humpleby (member of the Youth Parliament) and Michael Oliver (Economist and former economic policy adviser to the government). The event will be moderated by BBC News presenter, Eliza Philippidis.
Members of the audience will be encouraged to join in the debate.
Lisa Springate, Chair of the IoD Jersey, said: “This is our opportunity as business leaders, to lay down some clear and informed opinions as to how we believe Jersey can and should move forward. In just over seven months, Islanders will be choosing who should be leading us for the next four years in our Island-wide election. It is imperative that those who stand as candidates understand the needs of the experienced leaders of industry from every sector – those who sustain our economy and way of life in Jersey.”
Aline Ayotte, Country Head of Commercial Banking, Channel Islands, HSBC, said: “At HSBC, we understand the importance of looking ahead and supporting businesses so they can thrive. The IoD Leaders’ Lunch provides the opportunity to have a meaningful discussion and debate regarding the future for Jersey and the role we can all play in this journey.”