Support for prospective parents, funding for an allotment project, a collaboration to deliver complementary therapies for cancer patients, and a summer reading challenge for children are amongst the initiatives set to receive grant funding from the AJC in the second quarter of 2021.
Following its latest Grants Committee meeting last month, the Association of Jersey Charities (AJC) set out a total of £435,810 to be awarded to a range of local charities – the largest total for some time – with funds drawn from the Jersey profits of the Channel Islands Lottery, the National Emergencies Trust, member funds and private donations.
Those charities set to receive grants from the Channel Islands Lottery profits are:
- £30,000 for Brighter Futures to support seven families for one year
- £30,000 for Cheshire Home Jersey to enable property renovations
- £30,000 for NSPCC Jersey for the Pregnancy in Mind service for one year
- £25,400 for the Jersey Employment Trust to support an allotment project, a training fund and equipment for its woodshack
- £11,900 for Jersey Hospice Care to provide complementary therapies for in-patients in conjunction with Macmillan Jersey
- £15,066 for St John Ambulance to fund half the cost of First Aid training in schools for one year
In addition, grants drawn from the National Emergencies Trust were awarded to:
- £7,800 for the Causeway Association to meet running costs
- £11,576.25 for the Shelter Trust for rent on a temporary hostel
- £11,322.88 for the Jersey Library Service for the Summer Reading Challenge
A small grant of £5,000 from member funds was also awarded to Trinity School PTA for playground equipment, with a further £115,962 from Channel Islands Lottery profits and £56,783 from member funds being awarded to five charities on a conditional basis. £85,000 was also awarded to three further charities from a private donation.
Commenting on the second quarter grants, Kevin Keen, Chairman of the AJC, said: “This was a bumper quarter in terms of grants being awarded, which is reflective of local charities looking to the future with purpose and setting out their long-term priorities after a challenging period. It also highlights our ability to support charities through multiple funding pots, enabling them to access diverse funding and plan with more certainty for the long-term. I’m pleased that we are able to award grants to such as broad range of initiatives that have the potential to positively impact all areas of our local community.”
Jersey Employment Trust executive officer Jocelyn Jacques added: “The funding from the AJC gives us a real boost as we emerge from what has been a difficult period for all charities and helps us continue to support people who have a disability or long-term health condition. Funding for the allotment at Acorn means we can support more people there and the saw at the Woodshack makes our operation more efficient. The funding is also a huge boost for our Employment Service, as we can continue to support clients with their training needs.”
The AJC’s Grants Committee will next meet on 14th September with a deadline of 24th August – although the grants portal is always open with applications able to be made at any time. Details of who is eligible and how to apply can be found here. The Grants Committee is made up of Officers of the Association and independent panel members.