Travel counsellor and Travel Eye CI guest columnist Nicki Harrison reflects on what we can all do to spread a little positivity during these trying times.
‘I think it is safe to say the last few weeks, both locally and around the world, have been the definition of strange and uncertain times. I’m sure every single one of us has felt the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, more than likely on multiple parts of our regular lives. From our workplace or business being disrupted by the lockdown to our personal lives by social distancing or self-isolation, no one will have been able to completely escape or ignore Covid-19.
‘Whilst it is sad we cannot freely spend our time out and about with friends and family, enjoy dinner at our favourite restaurants or take part in some of the great local events like the World Aid Walk and Liberation celebrations, which have been cancelled or postponed, we all know deep-down that the lockdown is not only to protect our community but also our vital healthcare workers who are going above and beyond during this crisis to support us.
‘It is also sad but true that there has also been a lot of negative media coverage and false information out there, but while this kind of media is around, what I have been most impressed by is the positivity out there, all designed to put smiles on our faces.
‘I have seen a few travel hashtags which raise my spirits including #WhenWeTravelAgain and #DreamNowTravelLater, but my personal favourite comes from a video linked to #WeRemember. This video focuses on community spirit and the light at the end of the tunnel we are all striving for. Please take two minutes and seven seconds (literally) to check it out. I hope after watching it, you’ll see why I couldn’t help but share it on my social media channels.
‘As a travel agent that has been significantly affected by this pandemic, I too have had some tough days but what helped me get through them are the kind messages of support I have received. These messages aren’t just from my loved ones and Travel Counsellors colleagues but also from clients and people that I have met through networking. These messages of kindness and understanding were so unexpected and had such a positive impact on me personally that I really wanted to use this month’s column to thank those people and remind us all that it really is the little things that can make the biggest difference.
‘With that in mind, can I also ask you all to do me a favour? Take a minute and ask yourself, is there someone outside of your immediate circle that you haven’t spoken to since this pandemic began? If you can think of someone that might run a small business or a person that might be under stress for any reason which has now been amplified by the situation, please take a moment to pop them a message. You could give them a good review on their social media page, post a story tagging in their service or product, or you could simply check in and remind them you are there if they need any support.
‘Your kindness and understanding could really make a difference and help them through these tough times. Whether it’s sharing with them what lockdown life has been like for you, things that have made you smile and, of course, the things you hope to do once all of this is over, every positive conversation takes us one step closer to that light at the end of the tunnel. Like all other stressful and awful times in history, this too will end and although the next time I’m likely to see my neighbour is during the next round of applause for our healthcare workers, and the next time I see my friends will be on video call, when this does end, we’ll be a stronger community for it if we support each other in these little ways.
Thank you and stay safe everyone.’
For more information, contact Nicki Harrison at [email protected].