First Choice Groceries is inviting Islanders to a new online shopping ‘eggs-perience’ to help a local charity this Easter.
The local online grocery store is launching a big virtual Easter egg hunt for JSPCA which starts today, Monday 22nd March. Shoppers will have until 5th April to find the golden eggs hidden throughout the First Choice website.
Anyone who finds five golden eggs, adds them to their basket and checks out with a minimum £60 spend will not only get 20% off their shop but in addition First Choice Groceries will donate £1 to JSPCA.
Commenting on this ‘eggs-citing’ initiative, director of First Choice Groceries Jake Shaw said: “We hope shoppers will join in this virtual hunt for this great cause. The more ‘golden egg’ orders are placed, the more funds they’ll be helping to raise for JSPCA”.
Michelle Parker PR, Media and Fundraising Manager of JSPCA said: “We are delighted to have the support of First Choice Groceries this year who not only provide us with monetary donations to support the work we do, but also provide vegetables for some of our animals.
“We do not receive any funding from the Government of Jersey, so we are dependent on the support and generosity of individuals, businesses, groups and organisations and we are so grateful for all the help we receive! We hope lots of people take part in this fun initiative and support the animals in our care at the JSPCA Animals’ Shelter this Easter”.