“Bailiwick residents and professionals are on the verge of a stress implosion”, says expert Andre Duquemin, founder of Three Brain Training.
Andre, who has more than 20 years’ experience in health, psychology and neuroscience industries, says a range of issues are causing even more islanders to be on the edge of burnout and voices concerns towards the levels of stress within Guernsey’s community.
“Whilst the initial wave of worry surrounding covid has begun to ease, the effects of increased stress and concern since the pandemic began means many islanders are spiralling towards burnout. Reduced travel possibilities combined with limited opportunities for change due to the local housing and recruitment markets, has caused islanders feeling unable to manage their stress in a constructive way.” Says Andre.
Andre Duquemin, founder of Three Brain Training, has utilised his neuroscience knowledge to train business owners, directors and leaders on how and why we need to care for ‘three brains’ instead of one.
“Managing stress is no easy feat. Everybody is different and manages their emotions in different ways. However, it’s important that islanders understand that stress is stored in more than just the brain. Research has identified that our hearts and guts can gather, process, store and act upon information via their own nervous systems,” said Andre.
Andre has provided three tips In response to the growing levels of stress in the Bailiwick:
- Research shows the importance of exposure to natural light in the mornings – it sets off our circadian rhythms which control hormone releases and ensure we are tired when the evening comes. Whilst the weather sometimes may not allow it. If the sun shines first thing, then make sure to spend five minutes outside enjoying it.
- Make sure you have a start and end of the day. Signify this in some way. Change your clothes, leave your ‘office’ room if possible or even turn off your computer. The simplest trigger can help you switch off from work.
- Even before the latest work from home measures were put in place, we live in a culture of 24-hour information. Make sure your breaks are away from phones, computers and TV. Turn off notifications and enjoy 10 minutes of peace.
More information can be found here on how to utilise your three brains to combat stress.