Being aware of the level of mental fitness in your organisation is vital to sustaining and improving business performance.
Mental fitness is defined as our capacity to be at our best by managing our psychological and emotional wellbeing. Focusing on developing/maintaining Mental Fitness earlier than treating/dealing with Mental Health issues keeps employees productive, contributing and happy.
The Infinity team would like to invite you to a complimentary 45-minute online event, exploring the Cognosis Mental Fitness resource. Infinity will take you through their approach to mental fitness and why it is important for leaders to develop awareness of the current levels of mental fitness and wellbeing in their organisation, They will also be joined by Kate Hesk, one of the founding Directors of Cognomie.
All attending the event will also have access to a free individual Mental Fitness pulse survey which will enable you to gain an understanding of your personal mental fitness.
A number of additional resources will be available including a suite of reflective/coaching video assets to support you in further exploring the areas that you might want to develop.
Friday 7th August 2020, 12:00 – 12:45.
Click here to reserve your place.