Given Guernsey’s constrained financial circumstances, the Policy & Resources Committee will be reviewing all proposed appointments to senior staff roles within the States of Guernsey going forwards until further notice.
As the Committee with both legal and mandated responsibility as employer of all States employees, Policy & Resources has decided to review the case for all appointments to senior roles (of SO1 grade or higher).
Deputy David Mahoney, who leads on employer matters for the Committee, will provide this oversight and where necessary the full Committee may also be asked to take a view on the need for a new role or the pay grade of that role. This is intended to ensure rigorous review of the need to replace posts on a like-for-like basis and to ensure that staffing costs do not continue to rise without proper review. The Committee may agree recommendations, propose a different grade for a post (taking into account the position of relevant committees) or refuse new or replacement appointments.
Deputy Mahoney said: “Given the tight financial constraints facing every area of operations there is an increased need for oversight of expenditure on employment, the single highest revenue cost outlay of the States. This will not be cumbersome, or slow the process down, but it is essential that there is robust political challenge when it comes to the most senior and therefore most expensive roles.
“As a Committee, we have the statutory responsibility as employer and the electorate expects us to have a real handle on what appointments are being made, why and at what level. That’s especially true now as we’re seeing more clearly the extent to which our public finances are under immense pressure.”