Guernsey Employment Trust (GET) is a charity that supports disabled and disadvantaged people to prepare for, find and maintain employment. It supports businesses to fill their job vacancies with suitable applicants and offers free support to colleagues while the new employee learns their role, settles in and on an ongoing basis as required. GET promotes the benefits that a diverse workforce can bring to an organisation’s competitiveness and desirability as an employer. The team work hard to increase understanding around disability and instil confidence in employers thus encouraging them to provide employment opportunities for this often untapped workforce.
GET has grown its reputation within the business community and generated some impressive outcomes. To boost this development GET have strengthened the Board by appointing Nick Graham and Alison Hawkins as non-executive Directors.
Nick Graham, owner of OSA Recruitment, brings 28 years of recruitment experience to the table. Although Nick acknowledges that supported employment is a very different approach to standard recruitment, there are clear similarities presenting an opportunity for shared ideas. Nick states: “We have worked with GET previously from a recruitment perspective, and I knew it was an excellent organisation. When I met to discuss joining the Board I learned much more about the great work they do and have been thoroughly impressed by the professionalism and the dedication of the team. I also think the strength and depth of the knowledge of the Board of Directors means that I am proud to be joining a fantastic group of people and I hope we can all continue to maintain their good work.”
Alison Hawkins, Senior HR Manager at BWCI Group and committee member of the CIPD Guernsey branch brings 18 years of management and human resources experience. Alison has worked closely with the supported employment service in its current and previous form for 7 years. She has provided employment opportunities to disabled and disadvantaged people through BWCI Group, as well as promoting GET’s services and hosting GET’s training to the CIPD membership. Alison says: “From my perspective I was very excited to have been appointed and be given an opportunity to support an organisation that carries out valuable work in the community. Any support, advice and guidance I can provide which comes from my skills and experience as a HR practitioner I am happy and willing to share to see the success of GET grow and it’s value to the Guernsey community increase.”
Mr Graham and Ms Hawkins join the other Non-Executive Directors, all well known within their respective fields; Sir John Collins (Chair), Jurat Stephen Jones OBE, Glen Broadhurst, Advocate Jessica Roland and Jim Roberts. Sir John says: “A strong and decisive Board has been one of the pillars of GET’s success. With the appointment of Nick and Alison we now bring the Board back up to strength, and are very fortunate to have two such able people join us.”
If you would like to find out more information about Guernsey Employment Trust contact Nikki Ioannou-Droushiotis (Chief Executive) on 247999 or visit the website