Logicalis Channel Islands has been awarded ISO 27001 Information Security Management Certification for all its operational activities in Jersey and Guernsey.
ISO 27001 is the international standard which is recognised globally for managing risks to the security of information. The standard is now rated as the preferred choice for creating and managing a robust, dynamic and adaptable Information Security Management System (ISMS).
The certification to ISO27001 allows Logicalis to provide assurances to clients and other stakeholders that they are comprehensively managing the security of the information they hold. The standard covers the whole of the organisation, not just IT, and encompasses people, processes and technology. This has enabled Logicalis to readily understand risks and embrace security controls as part of the everyday working practices that they perform.
Chris Brown, ISMS Manager at Logicalis, said: “We’re very proud to have achieved this global standard. The Logicalis Information Security Management System helps to deliver a robust, secure and protected environment for our client and employee data, it allows for the effective management of risks and helps to attain compliance with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation. We strive to ensure our information management system will never stand still and proactively look to implement continual improvements that enhance our information security posture.
“ISO27001 has become the most respected and commonly recognised information security standard worldwide, with a growth rate exceeding 21 per cent of organisations seeking certification just in the last year. At Logicalis, as a trusted brand, we wanted to not just achieve the certification but also use the certification to drive the business security requirements forward, make us stand out from other organisations and provide complete assurance to our customers that information security is at the heart of what we do.”
Jonathan Crichard, Managing Director of Logicalis CI, said: “ISO 27001 is invaluable for ensuring a company’s information security management system is of a very high standard and we have used the process of implementation as a catalyst to improve everyday work processes and behaviour throughout. All this work will unquestionably give our partners and customers even more confidence in the way they interact with us. This is very significant for us, and for the Channel Islands market as a whole, and is due to a considerable amount of effort from teams in both Jersey and Guernsey. I would like to thank them for helping us achieve this major milestone.”