Islanders are being reminded that they still have the opportunity to submit feedback on the Draft Development Framework for Leale’s Yard until tomorrow, Friday 27 March 2020.
The Draft Development Framework is designed to provide planning guidance for the mixed- use development of the Leale’s Yard Regeneration Area (LYRA) with comprehensive and practical guidance on how policies in the Island Development Plan will be applied to the site.
Once approved, it will become Supplementary Planning Guidance and will be taken into account when considering planning applications on any part of LYRA. Any proposals for development will be expected to align with it.
The Framework is available online at
Members of the public are encouraged to have their say so that all views can be taken into account when the final version of the Development Framework is considered by the Development & Planning Authority for adoption in April this year.
Feedback on the Draft Development Framework should be sent to [email protected] or to the Planning Service, Sir Charles Frossard House, St Peter Port, GY1 1FH by 27 March 2020.