Islands Energy Group will be implementing an increase in its standing charge for domestic and business customers in Guernsey and Jersey from 14 May 2024.
Customers of Guernsey Energy and Island Energy pay a standing charge which is a fixed daily charge to cover the cost of being connected to the energy network and contributes to the cost of installing and maintaining a gas network that complies with the highest safety ratings based on international standards. It is paid in addition to the unit rate regardless of how much gas is used. The 10% increase will be applied to all bills from 14 May 2024. For the average household this equates to around 4 pence per day, £1.16p a month, or approximately £13.90 a year.
Jo Cox (pictured), CEO at Islands Energy Group, said: “The standing charge increase reflects inflationary pressures which have seen our costs rise in supplying gas to homes and businesses. We continue to invest in our network, infrastructure, and research into renewable and low carbon gas to deliver our Net Zero targets.
“We last reviewed our standing charges in 2020 as we try to keep our customers’ tariffs and costs as low as we can for as long as we can. However, we do need to review our charges and costs on a regular basis.
“If you are struggling to pay your bills or are a vulnerable customer in our Priority Care scheme, please get in touch with our customer service team who are available to help. We take our duty of care to customers very seriously and make extra provisions for those who require extra support.”