Family Nursing and Home Care (FNHC) are hosting a wellbeing conference entitled ‘Valuing Care: Valuing Wellbeing’ on Friday 6th May 2022.
The conference is being held at the Pomme D’Or hotel between 08:30 and 17:00.
The event encompasses a full day of presentations and activities, with a host of sessions throughout the day, which aim to explore how colleague wellbeing should be structured and prioritised in the workplace in order to ensure colleagues feel encouraged, enabled and supported.
The conference includes a range of guest speakers including Dr Crystal Oldman, Chief Executive of the Queen’s Nursing Institute, who will be addressing wellbeing in the workforce and Paul Devlin & Nicola Pointer from the NHS Kindness & Positivity Network, who will be discussing the science of power and kindness.
Alongside speaker presentations, the conference will also be hosting a series of workshops. From ‘Tap away the Tiger,’ an EFT tapping workshop designed to reduce stress, to Tai Chi for health, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and boost your wellness knowledge.

Much has been written and discussed in relation to wellbeing of late, specifically in the context of the workplace. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development recently noted: “With a rising necessity for a better work-life balance, wellbeing and wellbeing at work has become a hot topic, especially over the last few years. It is now well understood that having a healthy organisational structure and workplace enables people to thrive and reach their potential.
As highlighted by CIPD, ‘health and wellbeing should not be treated as an ‘add-on’ or ‘nice-to-have’ activity by organisations – if employers place employee wellbeing at the centre of their business model and view it as the vital source of value creation, the dividends for organisational health can be significant.” (CIPD, 2022).
At FNHC we recognise a healthy organisational culture is one where open and honest communication exists at all levels, and where colleagues feel encouraged, enabled and supported to deal with the often difficult and highly complex situations they face when caring for others. It is one where mistakes are understood, where a blame culture is not allowed to flourish and where mutual respect is established.
We understand that focussing on the wellbeing of islanders will support the development of a healthy and happy island community. Our conference will focus on the tools and strategies which individuals and organisations can deploy to enhance wellbeing and develop resilience.
Family Nursing & Home Care is a Jersey Charity. We raise money through donations, fundraising activities and legacies and we are contracted by the Government of Jersey for the provision of services. Our ethos is to help islanders start well, live well and age well.
We provide expert prenatal and parental care and we support children, young people, families and the members of our community who need healthcare or support in their homes. Our Services range from the Baby Steps programme, Community Children Nursing, School Nursing, District Nursing, Health Visiting, Home Care, Rapid Response and Reablement, Palliative Care and end of life care.
Kindness is a priority: to our patients, clients, partners and each other. Our nurses and colleagues work with islanders to understand their needs, applying our expertise to deliver the best possible care with dignity at the core of our service. We have the courage to do things differently and strive to provide innovation and new levels of care to the community.
Our carers have earned the trust of our community and with over 100 years of experience in providing care across Jersey, we know what we’re talking about.
We know that now is the time to prioritise workplace wellbeing to ensure colleagues are supported and happy in their roles, ultimately creating a positive working environment.
Event Details:
- Date: Friday 6th May 2022
- Time: 8:00 – 17:00
- Location: Pomme D’Or Hotel
Key conference speakers:
- Rosemarie Finley – CEO of Family Nursing & Home Care
- Crystal Oldman – Wellbeing in the workforce
- Roy C Lilly – Health Policy Analyst
- Paul Devlin & Nicola Pointer – The Science of Power and Kindness
- Dr Julie Luscombe – Coaching & Supervision for wellbeing.
- Claire White – Peer to Peer Support for Staff
- Dr. Marie-Christine Dix
Afternoon workshops:
- Yolanda de Saez – Tap away the Tiger
- Lee Bennett – Mindfully Wild
- Steve Renouf – Tai-Chi for Health
- Frazer Bentley – Communication