Youth Drama Workshop
Alderney Theatre Group and Guernsey Arts Commission are to sponsor Alderney’s first ever Youth Drams Workshop.
The objective and raison d’être of the Alderney Theatre Group is to promote dramatic arts in Alderney. Just about every year since its formation in 1949, the group has been true to its promise: producing shows, plays and entertainment, some home-grown and some imported from the UK or the other Channel Islands.
It also sees one of its principal roles to encourage the young generation to develop and promote their theatrical talents and, for the first time, the Alderney Theatre Group has joined forces with Guernsey’s Princess Royal Centre for Performing Arts Community Project to host its first ever Youth Drama Workshop.
The course will be headed by Artistic Director Oli Davies who will be joined by two tutors from the TGI College Performing Arts Course, and will take place from 14-16 July in the Alderney Island Hall.
Participation is open to all Alderney students and residents aged 9 to 18 who are interested in “Theatre Making” and will cover a wide range of skills. The workshop is free for all participants (minimum of 10 and maximum of 25 students) and is entirely sponsored by the Alderney Theatre Group who will pay for the tutors’ travel, accommodation and fees.
Asked about the format and objectives of this workshop, Oli Davies commented: “Students can expect to broaden their knowledge and experience in the performing arts by developing skills in voice work, movement, improvisation, singing, dancing and scripted work. The workshop weekend will conclude on Sunday afternoon with an informal sharing for friends and family to celebrate the effort that they young people have put in.
“This will be a fun, busy and rewarding few days and the PRCPA team can’t wait to come over and see what Alderney’s young people can bring with them to this experience. “
To take part in this workshop, please email before 30 June.