UK Skills Policy and Delivery post-Budget evaluation
The availability of appropriate skills is a long-standing issue that negatively affects British business.
What will the Budget on 30th October tell us about the new government’s approach to this key challenge for the UK’s wider Industrial Strategy? How should business respond? What can we do now to create the successful skills eco-system we all want?
The issue has become particularly acute in the past couple of years. IoD research has found that, ever since the beginning of 2023, around 40% of IoD members have consistently stated that ‘skills shortages/employee skills gaps’ are having a negative effect on their organisation.
We are bringing back together the absolutely stellar panel chaired by Gareth John to discuss these issues at a virtual breakfast 8.30-10am online on Friday 8 November.
Action is needed to remedy skills and labour shortages across the UK to ensure that businesses are able to access the skills they need to grow and thrive. A whole-economy solution is needed, one which involves workplace training as much as it does the more traditional education routes for people at early stages of their careers.