The Tempest retold: Open air performance
It’s Shakespeare – but not as you know it! Hold on to your hats. It’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Charlotte Newton and Richard Matimong’s reworking of the Shakespearian tale of shipwrecked sailors and elemental spirits will certainly lift your coat tails.
The densely plotted storyline has been pared down to be more accessible, and – let’s face it – more fun than the stodgy old original. ((delivered in contemporary rather than Shakespearian language)
Following in the tradition set a few years ago when the Theatre Group put on Mama Mia, the play is full of humour, songs and all your local thespians lolloping about in silly costumes. What better way to while away a summer evening?
Directed by Charlotte, with musical direction and choreography by Alex Flewitt, this open air production at Braye Beach will set a new standard for outdoor theatre.
The 10-strong cast is busy rehearsing and transforming into their challenging characters: Richard Matimong (Tony Prospero), Rosie Evans (Miranda Prospero), Lee Flewitt (Caliban), Lucie Woodnutt (Ariel), Moira Sleeman (Don Alonso), Ian Corder (Ferdinand Alonso) , Lucie Watson (Lucky Luciano) , Lesley Chapman (Frank Gonzalo), Beverley Hope-Smith (Gino Prospero) and Charlotte Newton (Vinney). (description of characters on page 2)
Whatever next? Lord of the Rings?
There will be two performances: Friday 28th and Saturday 29th July – both starting at 7:00pm. So come along on the day and enjoy yourselves on the bay. It’s free – although donations are encouraged. and we hope the audience will give generously when fellow thespians will come around rattling their buckets.
The Alderney Theatre Group would like to thank the Braye Beach Hotel, Polygon and Linda Aldis for their much appreciated sponsorship contribution.
The photos shown were taken during rehearsals.