The financial repair café
We understand how tricky the world of money and finance can be. Especially in Jersey where we all need to navigate unique tax, health and social security systems.
Perhaps you’re trying to get your head around your personal tax situation, or just want to speak to someone about social security contributions. Maybe you just need to understand your options on a mortgage, or could benefit from some strategies to cope better with the increasing cost of living. Whatever’s on your mind, we’re here to help.
Prompted by the recent cost of living crisis, and the success of local repair cafe’s – a small band of local finance professionals and advisors wanted to offer their professional time to support and advise our local community in a safe and confidential environment to empower and help them to fix their own finances – whatever they may be.
There will be two parts to the evening – downstairs we’ll be offering a warm welcome, free soft drinks as well as some guest speakers giving talks on relevant and timely personal finance-related topics.
Upstairs will be a number of breakout spaces and private rooms where you can be introduced to professionals to talk with who can offer guidance and support.
The event is entirely free and we will be offering a safe and confidential environment in which to share your financial issues. Please don’t struggle in silence – the Financial Repair Café is here to help you.