Supercharge the energy available to you during your working day
Learn scientific bio hacks and explore the impact that diet and lifestyle has on your ability to perform and function at your best.
Let’s be honest, if given the opportunity, many of us would choose not to work.
However, unless your lottery numbers come up, work is where you are going to spend the vast majority of your waking hours.
Whether you are self employed or employed, how you approach your working day and the energy you are able to engage, will determine if you gain the most from your day. Yes, this is about YOU.
Whilst we all work for someone, be that a ‘boss’ or a ‘client’, ultimately if we can function at our best, then that gives us a sense of accomplishment, achievement, lowers our stress, improves our mood and impacts our lives outside of work.
So how do you ensure that the energy you engage is the best? This comes down to diet, plain and simple.
We are celluar beings and what we chose to consume is THE biggest regulator in whether we can operate at our peak cognitive and physical ability or not. It’s that straightforward.
The problem is that it’s a nutrition minefield out there with a lot of misinformation around too.
Baseline health will help to break down these myths and offer advice on the following:
- What do the best breakfasts, snacks, lunches and dinners look like?
- What happens to the body when you choose to consume many items that we accept as healthy food?
- How much water should you be consuming per day?
- Is coffee good or bad for your work performance?
The session will conclude with an opportunity for questions and answers.