Meet and greet drop-in for potential Election 2025 candidates
Alongside the early launch of the election 2025 website, two events are being held for people already thinking about putting themselves forward as candidates.
Two informal ‘meet and greet’ drop-in events are being held, on the 16 April and 20 April, where people can come and speak with current States Members to ask any questions they may have, to help inform their decisions about standing.
Deputy Carl Meerveld, President of the States Assembly & Constitution Committee, said: “I am very pleased that the website for the General Election 2025 is now live. This early launch, coupled with the events we are holding, will help people who are having to weigh up what is a very big decision. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to being a Deputy and people have different experiences, but the more we can do to give people a sense of what is involved, the better.
“It is an extremely challenging role, but one that is essential to the success of our island, and one that can be very rewarding. It can also impact your professional and personal life in a number of ways, and it is better to begin that political journey with your eyes open so you are as ready as possible when you ultimately put your name forward and ask the community to support you with their vote.”