Leadership strategies to retain your top talent
Join Chloe Minson and Lucy Jolliffe in the Work Café to explore how strategic initiatives can be key in retaining top employees and talent.
Discover how to cultivate a positive working environment, increase engagement and strengthen loyalty to foster a culture of high performing teams.
Chloe Minson is a HR Consultant specialising in workplace wellbeing, providing customised strategies and training to enhance employee engagement, team productivity, and organisational performance. She supports and educates corporate clients on how to create organisational cultures that centre on employee wellbeing, enabling them to reap the financial and reputational benefits in return.
Lucy Joliffe is a public speaking & confidence coach. She trains professionals to present with confidence, in any role across all sectors. Her unique approach combines the art of performance with proven coaching techniques, providing a fun and interactive environment that builds confidence, focuses on mindset, motivating individuals and teams.