Keep on moving
‘Keep on Moving’ is an event aimed at promoting an active lifestyle for individuals of all ages.
The event will take place at Beau Sejour Leisure Centre on Sunday 21st April from 1pm to 4pm.
The event will give people the chance to try out a diverse range of activities free of charge. Tailored specifically for those seeking to stay active as they age, attendees can participate in various sessions.
In addition to the array of activities, the event will feature a panel discussion with a doctor, a dietician, and a seasoned runner. The panel discussion aims to provide valuable insights and advice on maintaining an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and injury prevention.
Sam Herridge, Head of Recreation Services, said: “We are really happy to support this event at Beau Sejour. ‘Keep on Moving’ showcases our commitment to fostering healthy and active lifestyles within our community, providing opportunities for all to discover enjoyable and sociable ways to stay physically and mentally active as they age. This is a free of charge, community event.”
The timetable for the afternoon is as follows:
Ongoing throughout the afternoon:
- Walking Football
- Running (Masters Mile)
In the Sir John Loveridge Hall:
- Badminton
- Active Health Information Point
- Ramblers Wellbeing walks information point
- Boccia and Kurling (1-3pm)
Taster sessions timetable (all in the Sir John Loveridge Hall):
- 1 – 1.30pm: Fitsteps
- 1.45-2.15pm: Zumba Gold
- 2.15-2.45pm: Panel discussion with Dr Nick Dunn, Ellie Gould (Dietitian) and runner Chris O’Neill. Facilitated by Nick Mann (Active Gsy and Bailiwick Express).
- 2.55-3.25 Qi Gong
- 3.30-4pm Tai Chi