IT and cyber recruitment
The second of our season of presentations by the British Computer Society Jersey Branch and the Channel Islands Information Security Forum covers a subject that many organisations in the Islands are finding tremendously challenging: recruitment.
As usual, we have two talks. The first is from a local Chief Information Officer with masses of experience in recruiting IT staff locally; in the second we will hear on a similar theme from a director of a local head-hunting firm.
- 17:00: Delegates arrive
- 17:10: Welcome – Greetings and introductions on behalf of BCS Jersey and the CIISF.
- 17:15: The CIO’s view of IT and cyber recruitment – Michael Boarer, CIO, Standard Bank International Client Solutions.
- 17:35: The recruiter’s view of IT and cyber recruitment – Thomas Burston, Founder & Director, Ventiro.
- 17:55: Interactive session – Q&A with the speakers, followed by drinks and networking.
- 18:30: End
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- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88241734520?pwd=TTBrVmpmVnpjWFBjOVp6VGxaNzR6UT09
- Meeting ID 882 4173 4520
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