Guernsey’s Christmas parade and light switch on returns
The annual Guernsey Christmas parade and light switch on will take place on Saturday 26th November, where children will have the chance to give their Christmas letters to Father Christmas and his team of elves.
Mark Marshall, Managing Director of Insurance Corporation and sponsor said: ‘We are very proud to be involved in bringing the magic of Christmas to Guernsey this year. The Christmas Parade and light switch on is a wonderful way to welcome the festive season and give everyone a chance to meet Father Christmas!’
The Christmas Parade will start at the model yacht pond when Father Christmas arrives courtesy of the Guernsey Fire Brigade at 3:45pm. Stuart Tucker, Managing Director of Boatworks said: ‘Being the starting point for this year’s parade is very exciting and we look forward to welcoming everyone with a mince pie and a cup of hot chocolate while we wait for Father Christmas to arrive.’
From Boatworks the parade will go around the model yacht pond, down Castle Emplacement and along the bus terminus into Fountain Street before finishing at the Market Buildings at 4.45pm.
For those who would prefer to wait in Market Square, entertainment will start at 4pm hosted by IslandFM with music from the Guernsey Mind Hope Choir.
Jax Robin, acting chair of St Peter Port Christmas Lights, said: ‘The light switch on is a magical start to the festive season and the culmination of a huge amount of work behind the scenes. I never tire of seeing the lights being switched on and seeing St Peter Port become festive.’
Following the light switch on, to enable as many people as possible to see Father Christmas and his elves, he will continue through the Arcade, onto the High Street and down the Pollet.
Santa’s letterbox will be arriving at the Guille-Allès Library on Tuesday 22nd November. Children will be able to post their letters to Santa, and the Friends of Santa at YBG will ensure that each child will receive a personalised response. Remember to put an address on your letter!