Guernsey Community Awards for 2021 [event changed]
Due to the continued high level of Covid cases in the island, the organiser of the Community Awards has decided to replace the planned ceremony with a much smaller event.
The already postponed Awards, organised by Guernsey Community Foundation, were due to take place at St James on Tuesday 5 April, and would have been attended by more than 200 people.
Jim Roberts, Chief Executive of the Foundation, said: “With the number of covid cases still so high, we decided it was unwise to hold a large event in a relatively confined space – especially when, due to the nature of the third sector, many of those in attendance would either have been vulnerable people, or people upon whom the vulnerable depend.
“Instead, with the generous support of the event’s sponsors, we will hold a scaled-back event in a marquee in the grounds of Les Cotils early next month. Attendance will be limited to award winners and sponsors.
“We recognise that this is very disappointing, especially for the unsuccessful nominees, but we have had to try to balance the realities of Covid with the desire to give the winners some recognition. We would like to thank St James for being so understanding.”
The identity of the award winners remains secret for the time being. Nominees will be contacted the week before the event.
Ticket holders can email joni@foundation.gg to either request a refund or ask for their ticket price to be donated to the Foundation’s Grants Fund and used to support local charities.
Guernsey Community Foundation has confirmed that the Community Awards will be going ahead, all being well, on Tuesday 5th April 2022.
Jim Roberts, Chief Executive of the Foundation said: “The long-awaited Awards is the highlight of the calendar for the island’s third sector, and it has been extremely disappointing that we have had to rearrange the 2021 event three times.
“However, with cases of Covid infection falling we are hoping that by April life across the Bailiwick will have returned to a little bit more like ‘normal’ so that we will be able to go ahead with our annual event.”
The Awards were first due to be held on 16 November 2021 and were then postponed to January 2022. The Foundation hopes that by April 5, it will at last be safe to hold the prestigious event where guests will applaud the tremendous work of the third sector across the Bailiwick.
The sold-out event is scheduled to take place at St James Concert Hall on Tuesday 5th April from 4 pm attended by more than 200 people.
Mark Bousfield, Group Managing Director of Ravenscroft said: “There is much to celebrate at the awards which shine a light on the amazing work by charities and islanders. As principal sponsor, and on behalf of all the sponsors who support this celebration of the third sector, we particularly want to thank the Guernsey Community Foundation team for its hard work in organising and then rearranging the awards.”
The Community Awards celebrate local charities, individuals, and businesses who, during 2021 have raised money, delivered services, and carried out community projects for the benefit of others across the Bailiwick.
Prize money of £3,000 will be awarded to the Charity of the Year and all other categories will receive £2,000 to be donated to a local charity of the winner’s choice.
Those shortlisted for 2021 Community Awards are:
Charity of the Year
Bright Beginnings, Choices, Les Cotils
Investec, Sure Guernsey, Fultura
Fundraising team
Autism Guernsey and the Guernsey Adult Literacy Project for the Golden Guernsey Goat Trail; Ian Brown’s Cycle Shop for the 30/30 cycle challenge; Ray and Scott for the Diamond Dream initiative
Health Improvement Commission, Guernsey Mobility Let’s Go, The Accidental Zoo
Organising Committee
The Guernsey Sports Commission for the 2021 Specsavers Youth Games, Women in Public Life International Women’s Day, Guernsey Street Festival
Outstanding Individual Achievement
Mike Read, Gerry Le Roy, Fiona Naftel
Youth Award
The Summer Project, Kaelan Le Page, Jonathan Charmley
The main image shows Guernsey Community Awards, Charity of the year 2020, Guernsey Welfare Service