2023 Concours D’Elegance
Car and motorcycle enthusiasts – indeed, anyone who admires elegance and beauty in design, will be rewarded with a display of some of the world’s finest automobiles and motorcycles at an event to coincide with the Jersey International Festival of Motoring.
After the success of the 2022 Event, where 50 historic vintage, classic and modern classic cars paraded the causeway to the delight of the public, the event this year hopes to be more engaging and interesting for participants and spectators alike.
Le Riche Automobile Restorers, Jersey’s vintage and classic car specialists, has planned this event in tandem with Island Insurance and the promoters of the Motoring Festival.
Joe explains that the French term ‘Concours d’Elegance’ is apt for what is a parade and display of some of the finest motor cars and motorcycles of the last century. Participants in a Concours prepare their cherished cars, and this year, motorcycles, to the highest standards, then, often wearing period costume, they put them forward to be judged, based on condition, authenticity and style.
Jersey’s public are welcome to attend the event without charge, view the cars and bikes in their Concours glory and watch the parade. Concours events are synonymous with elegance and style and leading venues include Pebble Beach in California and Villa D’Este on Lake Como, both of which Le Riche Automobile have attended and where they won podium finishes for their workmanship for their restored cars.
The event’s principal local sponsor is Island Insurance Limited. Island’s Director, Jim Purkiss commented that working with Joe and his team at Le Riche Automobile and Ian Barnes from Barnes Publishing to continue to sponsor this new event, was consistent with their business objectives. Notably, Island Insurance is the largest provider of classic car and motorcycle insurance offshore. Jim working with Joe at Le Riche both aspire to create a little of the atmosphere of the famous Goodwood Motoring Festival events here in Jersey.
So, if you are at a loose end at the start of the summer, on the 1st of June 2023 and fancy something different, dress up, make an effort, and attend this great display… why not even pack a picnic hamper and ground blanket Goodwood-style and head to People’s Park, chill out and watch the Concours show.
Following the Marquee lunch for participants and VIP’s, the public will be able to view the prize giving at about 2.30pm, with trophy winners and their cars once again driving on to the rostrum to collect their awards.