Essential maintenance work is being carried out this week on Jersey Airport’s Instrument Landing System (ILS) serving the easterly runway approach over St Ouen’s Bay.
The ILS System provides aircraft with vertical and horizontal guidance during approach and landing.
It’s now more than 10 years old and due for replacement in 2019.
The work will mean it remains operational until its replacement.
The maintenance work, due to commence on Monday 27 November, will take up to four days to complete. During this time, the ILS system will be taken out of service and assistance will instead be provided by alternative navigation and satellite based systems.
Airlines have been briefed on the works which should have no impact on normal flight schedules during the works, although there could be disruption during any periods of low visibility.
Ports of Jersey is funding the £60,000 maintenance work and the future replacement of the ILS in 2019 from its commercial returns.
Ports of Jersey is undertaking the work at the end of November as it is outside of the main holiday season, including half-term and will be completed before the Christmas holidays.