Guernsey and Jersey-based investment consultants Asset Risk Consultants (ARC) are recommending investors and their advisers take the New Year as an opportunity to check if their portfolio is performing as well as it could be.
Their Performance QuickCheck, is a new online investment tool available which gives investors and their advisers the ability to compare their portfolio’s performance against tens of thousands of other portfolios, instantly, and for free.
The data is collected by ARC quarterly and is made up of some 130,000 discretionary portfolios in five major currencies and this peer group enables investors to compare their own portfolio against others with similar objectives.
Graham Harrison, ARC Group Managing Director, said: “The beginning of the New Year is when we often take stock of our situation, could be our health, our career, but it should also include any investments we might have made. The ability to perform a health check on your own portfolio should be swift and easy, and the goal of QuickCheck is to be the starting point for this process. The tool is designed to offer either immediate peace of mind, or to highlight that a more detailed analysis might be required.”
QuickCheck doesn’t require reams of historical data which can be difficult to find. Instead, just select your currency, choose how much you would typically have invested in equities and input the portfolio return over any custom time period. A report is instantly produced informing the user of the health of their portfolio performance, relative to the peer group.
Graham added: “One of the benefits of using QuickCheck, as opposed to say the FTSE or a stock market index is that your portfolio is compared against others with a similar make up, for example by comparing the percentage of your portfolio that is made up of stocks. This gives you more direct insight into how your assets are performing.”
You can try QuickCheck here.