Guernsey’s States Disability Officer is taking the opportunity to highlight the importance of good customer service on Purple Tuesday.
Purple Tuesday, which falls on 2nd November this year, is a day that focuses on improving the customer experience for those with a disability.
Many aspects influence the customer’s experience, but the main one is related to good customer service. Research shows that the fear of unintentionally offending a disabled person by saying or doing the ‘wrong thing’ is the biggest barrier for people when communicating with disabled customers.
We know that around 13,000 disabled people live in Guernsey, so every day anyone in a customer-facing role is likely to come into contact with someone who has a disability.
80% of disabled people have ‘invisible’ or hidden impairments. So, four in every five disabled customers may need additional support, but this might not be obvious immediately.
Gill Evans, States Disability Officer, said: “Many people are unsure how to talk to someone with a disability. It is important to respond to the individual directly, not their carer, have patience and treat someone as you yourself would wish to be treated. Ask the customer if they need assistance; they are the best person to advise how you can help.”
More information about how to improve the experience of customers with a disability is available here. The States of Guernsey also provides Disability Awareness training about disability etiquette which is available here.