Corbett Le Quesne’s inaugural child law conference takes place this Friday at The Radisson and there is a waiting list for tickets.
The conference includes talks about child maintenance, parental alienation, adoption, special guardianship and children beyond parental control.
Royal Court Family Law Judge Samantha McFadzean is the key note speaker at the event. The Family Court has recently moved so it is a busy time for the family law judges in the island.
Advocate Barbara Corbett (pictured) commented: “A significant part of my work involves children which means working closely with professionals around the world. Events like this are essential to ensure we are all abreast of the latest developments and research regarding young people and the law.
“Being able to communicate with each other in a constructive way is vital; meeting experts and knowing who the best person is to go to for advice is key. For these reasons we highly value the face to face contact of social events like this.”
Corbett Le Quesne host the Jersey International Family Law Conference annually in October and the conferences are known for their prestigious speakers. This year Lady Hale is coming to Jersey. In 2004 Lady Hale was appointed the first female Lord of Appeal in Ordinary and she also served as the first female President of the Supreme Court in England and Wales.

Lady Hale is possibly most well-known for ruling that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson acted unlawfully in suspending Parliament over Brexit in September 2019.
Advocate Nicholas Le Quesne commented: “We are so pleased that Jersey Family Judge Sam McFadzean agreed to speak at our first Child Law Conference. She can give us an insight into some difficult areas of developing law from a judge’s perspective. And of course it is an honour for us that Lady Hale is speaking in October.
“Our conferences are so popular that we wanted to add a specialist child law conference to the diary. We have speakers and guests coming from the UK and Guernsey, with many staying overnight for the event. We will have to book a larger venue next time as we didn’t realise how popular the event would be.”