Islanders wanting to make a difference in support of the charitable community should consider applying to become one of three independent members of the new Social Investment Commission, Deputy Gavin St Pier has said with a week left before the application deadline.
The Commission, agreed by the States as part of the Budget, will invest in the charitable and third sector. It will work in partnership with charities, helping them apply for funds, and encouraging public services to work with them more closely through commissioning and partnering models.
The aim is to provide better outcomes, reduce the pressure on public services and ensure funds awarded to charities are targeted at delivering desired community outcomes in a coordinated way.
Three independent members (including one who will be appointed as chairperson, and one with a strong financial background) are needed to serve in a voluntary capacity on the shadow board and then full board alongside the States Treasurer and the States’ Chief Strategy & Policy Officer.
Islanders with a good understanding of the charitable and community sector, finance and grant making experience as well as an understanding of the States and how its policy objectives might be furthered, are encouraged to to access the job pack.
Deputy St Pier, President of the Policy & Resources Committee, said:
“The social investment commission will ensure that the States can distribute more funding to more community partners with less bureaucracy. We will be incrementally adding funding from different sources, some of which are new, including dormant back accounts, the seized assets fund and the lottery.
“Funds will be easier to access – a single, simple funding bid to one place, rather than lots of different conversations with different parts of the States. Clear KPIs and service level agreements will be agreed – so everyone knows what has been agreed, and how we can work together.
“In short – the Commission will ensure more money gets to those organisations delivering our community’s priorities. And it will be delivered in partnership between the States and the wider community.”