ATF Fuels, a fuel distribution company in the Channel Islands, are to partner with Caring Cooks, to donate £1,000 to assist with fuel costs.
Caring Cooks offer a weekly meal service which is delivered locally by a team of volunteers. Due to the rise in living costs, this has become more challenging as a result of increased fuel costs.
Many families depend on this service as it allows them to sit down as a family and share a home-made meal during difficult times, without the expense of shopping or hassle of cooking.
Jon Best, Director at ATF, said: “This coming winter will be challenging to many people. As a business we wanted to act on this and offer support to families. Eating a meal as family is a given to most people, for ATF to be able assist with this and ease the financial costs to the Charity makes sense for us. This partnership aligns with the values of our business, where we try to support the local community wherever possible”.
Yvonne Corbin, CEO for Caring Cooks said: “We have a team of amazing volunteers who give up their time on a Saturday to support some of the most vulnerable families on the Island, however, the rise in fuel costs has made it more challenging for our volunteers to offer their delivery services.
“ATF’s generous support will make all the different to both our volunteers and our families and will help us to continue providing this invaluable service each week.”