Tuesday 5 February is International Safer Internet Day and as well as sharing safety advice via social media, The States of Jersey Police, Airtel-Vodafone and Digital Jersey have teamed up to host a lunchtime seminar giving practical tips on mobile device security.
Aimed at parents, carers, teachers and anyone responsible for young people, Airtel-Vodafone’s Head of Marketing, Peter Zunino and the Crime Reduction Officer from the States of Jersey Community Policing Team, Chris Ingham, will be offering help on how to set up parental controls and restrictions on mobile devices and Apps.
Peter Zunino, Head of Marketing at Airtel-Vodafone explains: “As a responsible mobile provider we have long taken the lead in this area and have many educational resources available through our partners Vodafone. The aim of the session is to help parents nurture their children’s resilience online so they can support them with the skills and knowledge to navigate the digital world safely and with confidence. We’re delighted to be partnering the States of Jersey Police and Digital Jerseyto offer practical advice to stay safe online when using mobile devices.”
You can pop along with your devices to Digital Jersey Hub in Grenville St from 1pm – 2pm tomorrow, Tuesday 5 February for some top tips on internet safety. Refreshments and light bites are provided by Airtel-Vodafone.
The event is free to attend but you are asked to obtain a ticket from Eventbrite:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-safer-internet-day-how-to-protect-your-children-online- tickets-54864272516?aff=efbeventtix&fbclid=IwAR0XRRQEPErw- HE0my7unES9RABcaz5dg8OFQiDYBf9lOhGsqcAEEZMbDS4