Carbon Literacy Action Day
Carbon Literacy – what is it? And why is it important? Drop in on your way to work to learn a little about Climate Change and what it means for us all, the risks and opportunities presented to you and your business and find out more about the internationally recognised Carbon Literacy training available.
To coincide with the UN COP28 Climate Negotiations, the Carbon Literacy Project Action Day will catalyse action on climate change through the promotion of Carbon Literacy training, getting everyone involved in delivering positive action, to address climate change wherever they are, and whatever their industry.
Carbon Literacy offers a day’s worth of learning, covering climate change, carbon footprints, how you can do your bit and why it’s relevant to you and your audience. It’s a globally unique project, which was recognised as a TAP 100 by the UN, one of the 100 worldwide Transformative Action Programs. Just like Carbon Literacy itself, the Action Day is for anyone, no matter whether you are an individual, represent a community, or belong to an organisation. Carbon Literacy is relevant to all, no matter who you are or what you do.
Your host for the morning is Acacia Limited, a Jersey based Sustainability Consultancy firm, who deliver bespoke Carbon Literacy training, tailored specifically for the audience. To date we have worked with individuals and organisations across diverse industries, including the finance sector and the construction industry. Come along on the 4th December to learn some of the basics around Carbon, find out more about what Carbon Literacy training involves, why it’s important, and how Acacia can help you maximise your own individual impact, and the impact within your organisation.
If you have already completed your Carbon Literacy training, whether through Acacia or another organisation, come along to celebrate your success and give us your thoughts/update us on your actions over a coffee!
By attending this event, you agree that any photography or videography of the event and attendees may be used for promotional purposes. Your data may also be shared with the event hosts.