Do you know your Bobby Dazzlers from your Del Boys? Are you more David Dickinson than Rodney Trotter?
Teams are now being sought for a fun Acorn fundraiser, The Great Acorn Reuse Bargain Hunt, which is being held for the second year.
Last year 13 teams took the chance to race around Acorn Reuse, outside of normal shopping hours, to pick up to 10 items that they felt they could make a profit from in some way. They then had four weeks to make as much money as possible however they liked, by upcycling, auctioning or just reselling.
Last year’s winners, Helen Bourke and Kay Mallet from the Potting Shed at Ransoms, bought items worth £93 and made £324. They found that their biggest profit came from a £1 bear, which they raffled, bringing in £60.
Acorn Fundraising and Relationships manager Caroline Spencer said: “Everyone agreed that this was such a fun event that we should repeat it. People who took part last year were really creative and came up with so many different ways of re-selling their bargains.
“One team bought a chair for £10 which they upcycled and sold for £100. Another team bought framed artwork which they subtly added to, making it more interesting as well as unique. We were blown away by the teams’ enthusiasm and different ways of approaching their challenge. We look forward to seeing what people can do this time.
“Places are limited but we can take more teams this year because we have freed up more shop floor space with the opening of the new donations centre.”
The entry fee for a team of two is £100. All funds raised go towards creating work and training opportunities for people who have a disability or long-term health condition.
The Great Acorn Reuse Bargain Hunt will be held on Friday 14th October. For more information, email [email protected]
The main picture shows the 2021 Bargain Hunt winners Helen Bourke and Kay Mallet from the Potting Shed.