A ward in Jersey General Hospital has undergone a £1.3 million refurbishment.
Work began on the former Plémont Rehabilitation Unit on 30 August last year after States Members decided to reinstate rehabilitation services at Samarès Ward on the Overdale site.
The 28-bed ward – made up of four single rooms and four six-bedded bays – has been updated and refreshed. As part of the refurbishment, two new accessible showers, a quiet room and a dayroom, which doubles up as a multi-disciplinary treatment room, have been created.
Rok Construction has carried out the renovation, which has included redecoration of the ward as well as essential upgrades to fire safety and mechanical and electrical services. The works also saw the installation of new nurse call alarms, new medical gas outlets being fitted and the installation of wall cladding and flooring to meet current Infection Control standards.

The renovation is part of a wider improvement plan within the Hospital. Completion of this work enables wards, which require refurbishment, to be temporarily moved from other areas of the Hospital to allow improvements to take place. It also provides additional beds when there is a surge in demand for hospital beds such as during the winter.
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Karen Wilson, said: “I want patients to be at the heart of all that we do in HCS. This new ward not only provides a better environment for patients to recuperate following an illness or injury but it also improves working conditions for staff.
“The completion of the renovation works also enables us to continue with our estate improvements to ensure we can continue to offer good quality care and provide an enhanced medical environment in the future.”
Refurbishment works are now due to begin on Beauport Ward, which is currently used for orthopaedic patients. These works are expected to be completed by the end of the year.