When people decide to travel, usually everything from planning to the holiday countdown itself is exciting. Sometimes though, things happen to ruin our long awaited travel plans. In light of the devastating collapse of Thomas Cook, I couldn’t help but think of all the things that can make the idea of travel daunting.
When things take an unexpected turn
Over the past several days, I’m sure there were a countless number of people just waiting to find out how they were getting home or trying to decide what they are going to do now that their future holidays have been cancelled. There are people wondering whether they’ll get something else arranged in time and, of course, all the staff who have lost their jobs. My heart truly goes out everyone affected by the collapse but how often do you hear ‘my holiday provider collapsing is my biggest travel fear’?
Fear is a strange thing. For some of us, it’s creepy crawlies, for others it may be heights or water, but when a crisis or disaster occurs and affects travel plans, it can be upsetting for anyone. That being said, for some people, it’s the idea of travel itself that is frightening.
Getting the right support
One of the things I love about my job is hearing stories from people who have overcome their fears. These tales are often filled with the deeds and support from friends, family members or even professionals who helped them to achieve the holiday of their dreams. Often, overcoming fear all comes down to determination but having people around you to provide advice and support can be the confidence booster needed to finally take the leap, and I’m very lucky that I get to be that person from time to time.
Tackling your fears head on
One woman I’ve helped on numerous occasions came to me a few years ago fearful of travelling solo. However, over the years I have known her, she started slowly with a SAGA holiday and has really found her confidence and built her way up from short European breaks and cruises to now being nothing short of an international jetsetter.
Another friend, who was genuinely terrified of flying, has undertaken training courses, including a hypnotherapist, to help her master her fear. She started off small and still hates flying but doesn’t let it stop her. Since I’ve known her, she got married in Cyprus and has been on holidays to Bali, South Africa and Canada.
Don’t let fear hold you back
From my own personal experience, the thing I fear most about travelling is getting lost in crowded spaces (usually train stations are the worst). Surrounded by people I don’t know and unsure where to go, it still leaves me frantic but I don’t let it stop me. The world is a far too wondrous place to only be seen from in front of a TV or computer screen.
If you have a fear of travel, why not check online to see if there are courses to help or speak to travel professionals like me for advice. We may be able to point you in the right direction so that if there is a destination you’ve dreamt of going to, it may not be quite so far out of reach as you once thought.
For more information, contact Nicki Harrison at [email protected].